The Place To Go For Colonnaded Streets
By Slowtravelguide
Put Perge on your bucket list if you want to see more than one Greek column during your ancient site visit!
Perge is east of Antalya, but this vast ancient city is worth a visit even if you’re holidaying in another province.
Its collonaded streets, Roman baths and impressive theatre are just a few features that captivate you during your stay.
Here’s what to expect when visiting Perge
City Wall With The Decorative Vaulted Ceiling Lying In Front Of It
The Viewpoint Terrace Delivers
The Theatre
Modern living has taken over the area around Perge. This includes the road that separates the theatre from the actual site.
We have seen many old theatres during our time in Turkey. If they have one thing in common, other than their purpose, each has a characteristic that makes them unique.
This is the thing that fascinates us.
Perge’s Theatre is no exception, with its unique and richly decorated stage area displaying detailed reliefs depicting mythological figures for an audience of 15,000.
From the upper row of the theatre and the stadium, you can get a good idea of what awaits you inside the ancient ruins.
The Stadium
The stadium is a testament to Perge’s size and importance. At a staggering 234 m long and 34 m wide, it’s just a bit smaller than that at Aphrodisias. What fascinated us the most was the bucket arch that supports the seats and serves as the arena entrance for each third vault, with shops in the rest of the lockers.
The stadium was also used for gladiatorial combat, with a separate area at the northern end.
Interestingly, many stadiums and arenas are still built on today’s same principles, with people entering from below the tribune.
Barrel Vaulted Support Structure For The Stadium
Roman Baths
An ancient site is incomplete without a bath.
The exposed brick supports and the boiler room under the floor can now be seen, giving you a good idea of how these bathrooms were heated.
The Roman Baths at Perge are amazing! They are located behind the Nymphaeum and Propylon and consist of various well-preserved buildings, and you can still see the marble fragments used to decorate the walls and floors of these bathrooms.
The Roman Baths
Inside The Roman Bath Complex
The Hellenistic Gate
The Hellenistic gates of Perge are impressive.
The circular towers flanking the city gates lead to what must have been a grand inner courtyard, with marble-clad walls and a two-story Corinthian colonnade with niches for statues.
The Hellenistic Gate Of Which One Half Is Undergoing Restoration Works.
The Colonnaded Streets
A canal that supplies water to the fountain runs in the centre of Main Street and West Street. There are reliefs on three pillars on the street, one of which is Artemis, and the other two are Calchas, the founder of the city, and Tyche, the goddess of luck.
If there’s one thing that stands out about Perge, the sheer number of columns still stands. Wherever you look, you’re sure to see them. They surround the bazaar and run along the city’s two main streets.
These collonaded streets take you to all the major landmarks within the city walls.
Main Street takes you directly from the Hellenistic Gate to the foot of the Acropolis, and just halfway down Main Street, the Western Colonnaded Street leads to Palaestra and Northern Baths.
Main Street Pavement
There are shops along the street, some with ornate mosaic floors. You are walking on mosaics almost the entire time of your visit without even realising it.
They are under a protective cover covered with gravel. Now and then, the body is damaged, and mosaics appear. The best example of a mosaic floor can be seen in a shop on West Street, which depicts Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter, Iphigenia, in the Trojan War.
A Beautiful Play Of Light At The North Agora
The arch of Demetrios and Apollonius at the crossing of both streets is the perfect place to rest and admire Hadrian’s Nymphaeum from a distance.
West Street Seen From The Arch Of Demetrios And Apollonius
What To Expect
Location: Private, rental car or public transport (check the map below).
Nearest Airport: Antalya Airport.
Parking: Yes.
Terrain: Easy to medium.
Stroller: Yes.
Income: Yes (MuseumPass is valid).
Facilities: Small souvenir shop, a cafe and toilets.
Best Time To Visit: All year, depending on the weather.

Hadrian’s Nymphaeum And The Viewpoint Terrace
Hadrian’s Nymphaeum is at the start of the canal, which runs in the middle of the avenue and distributes water to fountains and city baths.
There is a statue of the river god Kestros in the middle niche. The steps on either side of this statue take you to the Acropolis and the terrace, from where you can enjoy all the beauty of Perge.
A Spectacular View From The Viewpoint Terrace. A Climb You Have To Do!
Palaestra on West Street is a place with an open courtyard surrounded by changing rooms dedicated to physical exercise.
The aqueduct that provided running water is still visible today.
The Palaestra is no longer accessible, but its facade makes up for it and gives a pretty good impression of the building’s scale and importance.
The Northern Baths
Perge’s northern baths themselves were, at the time of our visit, difficult, if not impossible, to access, unlike the Roman baths at the beginning of the site.
Still, it’s worth the walk to the end of West Street for the atmosphere.
The Agora
Collonaded walkways and shops surround Perge’s market square.
The Agora
In the middle, you will see a circular structure thought to be a temple and later turned into an Agiasma or sacred spring after installing the water pipes that provided the necessary water supply.
The Church With Eastern Apse
The East Apse Church is a Byzantine church next to the Agora. It is one of the most accessible of the three churches you can find in Perge.
They are said to date back to when Christianity reached Perge when the Apostle Paul stayed in the city on his missionary journey.
Agora Seen From The Church With The Eastern Apse
At The Entrance Gate
On the first day of religious holidays, the site opens at 1 pm. Unless you want to visit the theatre, you will need to pay an admission fee.
Perge is located east of Antalya, just a short drive from the D400 connecting Antalya and Alanya. If you’re coming from Antalya, you’ll see an exit sign for Perge not far after driving past Antalya Airport. If you rely on public transport, you have several options.
You will need min—three hours for your visit to Perge. Walking shoes and sun protectors are a must things that you have to take with you.
Places Nearby
Aspendos, the must-see theatre near Antalya (29 km)
Old Town Antalya, wandering at the seaside (16 km)
Termessos, defeating Alexander The Great (31 km)
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