Invincible City
with Slowtravelguide
Anavarza Ancient City, located in Adana Kozan Dilekkaya village is also known as the “invincible city” in history, has critical cultural connections with Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Sassanid and Ottoman civilizations. The name Anavarza was derived from the Nezarba, which means ‘invincible’ in Persian.
In 204 AD played a leading role in the area. Important buildings were built at that time, such as the two-laned collonaded street, the theatre, the stadium. The triple-arched triumphal, called Ala Gate, gives access to the Decumanus Maximus (the collonaded street extending in a North-South direction)
The Largest Street Of The Ancient World
The two-lane (double) main street, 34 m wide and 2700 m long, is considered the most prominent street structure of the ancient world.
The city was two times destroyed by earthquakes in 525 and 561 AD.
The Anavarza Three Arched Gate
Detail Of The Three Arched Gate
Excavations works at Anavarza started in 2012. The city is located within the borders of Dilekkaya Village, 28 km south of Kozan District and 70 km North-East of Adana. The site was put on the Tentative List of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 2014.
The Main Columned Street And Its Modern Traffic
The City of Anavarza (whose ancient name before 1 BC was Anazarbos) has still to be explored. When the water level of the rivers Seyhan and Ceyhan became too high, there were frequent flooding in the area, and the population was forced to settle on higher grounds. Anavarza was such a high residential area.
World-Famous Physician Dioskurides
Dioskurides, who served in the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Nero, wrote De Materia Medica. It is considered one of the essential works in the medical faculties of modern countries until the 18th century. He was original from Anavarza.
What To Expect
How To Get There: Private or rental car (check the map below).
Nearest Airport: Adana Airport.
Parking: Yes, next to the site.
Terrain: Easy to difficult.
Stroller: Yes.
Income: Free (our time of visit).
Facilities: Yes, in the village.
Best Time To Visit: Spring or Fall.

The Anavarza ancient site is considered as one of the largest sites in Turkey, locals claim that it will become more important than Ephesus.
At The Necropolis Of Anavarza
Anavarza Castle
Anavarza Castle is the most important in the chain of castles in Adana. While Çukurova stretches along the endless plains, castles for communication and security were built on very rare hills in the plains. All castles such as Anavarza Castle, Kozan Castle, Tumlu Castle and Yılankale have visual contact by rising on the plain, for example, the news of a ship docking in the Ayas (Yumurtalık) port could be transmitted from castle to castle.
Legend of Anavarza Castle
The name of the Anavarza Castle, which dates back to ancient times, is also part of a legend. According to the legend, The king of Anavarza had a daughter whose beauty was widely known all over Çukurova.
The prince of the Sis (Kozan) kingdom and the prince of the Misis Kingdom requested her father, the king of Anavarza, to marry her. The father, who did not want to jeopardize the relationship between the two kingdoms, agreed with the suggestion of his daughter that whoever brought water to the thirsty city of Anavarza first could marry his daughter.
Both princes immediately started digging a canal to bring water to Anavarza. The Misis prince was first in bringing water to Anavarza. The princess was actually in love with the Prince of Sis, wanted him to win, and committed suicide by throwing herself at the Anavarza Cliffs.
The Defensive Fortress Of Çukurova
The most important feature that distinguishes Anavarza Castle from other castles in Çukurova is that Anavarza Ancient City is located at its foot. While other castles only serve as outposts/communications, this is a structure established to defend the ancient city at its foot.
The Stadium (Circus Maximus)
It is known that Anavarza, which was the regional capital for a while, was also the centre of festivals and sports competitions during this period. The stadium (Circus Maximus) and the remains of the theatre are the witnesses of that; the plays and exciting races that were once staged will come to life before your eyes (with some imagination, of course).
Impressive Anavarza Castle Wall
Structure Of Anavarza Castle
Many parts and walls of the Anavarza Castle are still standing. The castle, which was very difficult to besiege at that time and was built on a very steep hill, can only be reached from the south or east for the same reason today.
Anavarza Castle consists of 3 walls: military barracks, water and food warehouses, and historical churches between the walls. There is a 3-storey tower in the innermost part that stairs can reach.
Evening Sun Beams Through The Ruins At The Anavarza Castle
The Stairs To The Castle
When you reach the top of the castle, watching the ancient city in the west and the vast Çukurova plain makes visitors forget all tiredness. The surviving fortifications around you and the stairs on which the soldiers marched are still intact and resisting the passing of time.
Looking at the east side of the castle, the view of the Ceyhan River and other castles of Çukurova can be seen in the distance.
Arriving At The Castle
A Birds View Of The Castle
The Church Of The Apostles On The Left and The North Bath House On The Right
The ancient city’s columned road and mosaic pools are other ruins that attract visitors’ attention. The 6th-century Rock Church and the Apostles Church are Byzantine, while the Arabic inscription on a tower outside the west gate indicates the Abbasid Period.
One Of The City Walls At The Castle
How Long Is The City Wall?
The walls surrounding the Anavarza ruins are 1,500 meters long, and one of the entrance gates is designed in the form of a triumphal arch dated to the 3rd century.
Bas Relief Sign At The Entrance Of The Castle
It Is A Climb To Anavarza Castle
Practical Information
The ancient city of Anavarza is mainly unexplored. Looking at the city from the top, you can imagine what it will look like after excavation. During our visit, the excavation works stopped for a while.
The headman of Dilekkaya Village and, of course, the locals are quite hospitable and helpful people and always happy to listen to your questions.
Another structure in Anavarza today, other than the Three-arched Victory Tag, is the Anavarza Castle, requiring a climb. Therefore, if you visit during the summer, you should climb early in the morning or in the late afternoon.
Be sure to take water or drinks with you and wear comfortable walking shoes.
There is a grocery store in the village to meet basic needs.
The Castle Overlooking The Area
Anavarza Ruins All Over The Plain
Still Some Excavation Work To Be Done
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Places Nearby
In The Neighbourhood, Ayas Ancient Site, Kozan Castle, Dumlu Castle, Yılankale.

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